‘Technological Ecology is the study of technology’s interactions with other technologies, with organisms and with the environment. Do we need a reinterpretation of ‘ecology’? During this Future Based meetup we will engage in conversation with four experts from various disciplines, who will shed their light on the topic of Technological Ecology; Creating creatures and the Nature of Technology. What should we expect of the next nature that awaits us? ‘
Perdu Kloveniersburgwal 86, 1012 CZ Amsterdam |Date: 25th February 2020|Time: 20- 22:00
Future Based is an interdisciplinary discussion platform rooted in Arnhem. Future Based addresses issues ranging from the natural sciences and philosophy to art, technology, and economics.
‘ Lisa Mandemaker is a social designer with a strategic, contextually aware and critical approach to research and practice. She considers design as a tool for debate and crafts (future) narratives through designed artifacts, using these as a form of storytelling to challenge assumptions, question or excite. Making impactful, topical work and creating strong interventions and conversation starters are key elements to her practice. Her latest projects focus on the possibilities and effects of the implementation of reproductive technologies into our daily life.
Abdelrahman Hassan works as a researcher for the Digital Society School in Amsterdam. He lives on the intersection between software, critical theory, data, and poetry. His interests include memetics, internet geographies, technical utopias/dystopias and depictions of e-governance. His overarching goal is to bridge critical theory with digital practice and to limit accessibility gaps and hurdles to open access to knowledge.
Norbert Peeters studied Archaeology and Philosophy at Leiden University. Together with the philosopher Th.C.W. Oudemans he wrote Plantaardig: vegetatieve filosofie (2014) and in 2016 his debut Botanische revolutie: de plantenleer van Charles Darwin appeared. Currently he works as a writer, public speaker, PhD-student in Philosophy, and he organizes public lectures for Leiden University.
Nicole Spit, worked after her graduation as a product designer for several years. Subsequently she started Studio Dáárheen (‘that way’), whereby trendsignals, technological developments and shifts of values in society are translated in to specific product advise. During her research she became fascinated by the recent developments in biotechnology and the possibilities of the manageable and artificially manipulated nature. As a designer she had to express her imaginative ideas into tangible designs. In these speculative designs she provides ideas and creates objects, which can contribute to provoke thoughts and answers in controversial discussions of the present and the future.’
Photo: Amy Shamblen via Unsplash/Tag Hartman-Simkins