Studio Dáárheen nam met  ‘NeoBio, a vision on the influence of biotech on productdesign’  deel aan de DDW2018 !

(Van 20 oktober tot en met 28 oktober 2018 in Eindhoven.)

In het Veemgebouw bij ‘Manifestations’.

Daarheen op DDW 2018. Zuilen en vitrines van Renzez.
NeoBio van Studio Daarheen op DDW 2018.  De schitterende zuilen, lessenaar en vitrines van RENZEZ.   (Foto Alys van der Waarde.)

DDW2018_Nicole Spit_Vision on biotech and productdesign

MicroBio Vases by Studio Daarheen at the Dutch Design Week Eindhoven. microbio vazen


En | ‘MicroBio vases’. Made by Studio Dáárheen. Inspired by the wonderfull world of micro organism as seen under the microscope. The vases show growforms with tentacles, spirals, clustering and membranes. The protrusions are made from flexibele silicon, so they won’t break off easily. A selection of the collection of MicroBio vases will also be for sale at the Dutch Design Week in the DDW shop. A spin-off of the exhibition ‘NeoBio, a vision on the influence of biotech on productdesign’ , in the Veem building, floor 9 at the DDW.

Studio Dáárheen op Dutch Design Week 2018
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